Our Loans and Credits Facilities

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Salary Advance(SALAD)

Get up to 50% of your net monthly salary upfront. Available to staff of private companies with active salary accounts domiciled in our bank.

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Salary Loan(SALOAN)

Do you have a salary account with COOPFUND?

SALOAN is a consumer credit scheme which gives access to short or medium term loans for salary account holders.

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SME Loan

COOPFUND Microfinance Bank “SME Loan” is a credit product designed specifically to support Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) operators in Nigeria.

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Invoice Finance

Do you have a PO? Are you having cash flow shortage? Invoice financing can be a good option for your business to be able to complete an influx of orders.

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Save & Borrow

This is for customers already doing business. Open Thrift Account with Minimum of N1,000 daily contribution, qualify for Loan after savings for 3 Months.

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Asset Finance

Get financing for the purchase of household appliances, equipments and other business assets and pay back conveniently over a period of 12 months.


General Loan Conditions

  • Save for 3 months

  • Max of N100,000 for SALAD and SME Loans

  • Max of N1,000,000 for SALON & Asset Finance

  • Max of N5,000,000 for Invoice Financing

  • Options of scale-up based on performance

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Loan Calculator

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